Thalapathy Vijay is one of the leading stars in Kollywood. In February, the Income Tax officials raided his properties in Chennai in connection with the search at Bigil producer's AGS Enterprises and financier Anbu Cheziyan's office. While this brings a huge relief to the actor, the investigation officials stated that he received a whopping Rs 50 crore for Bigil and …
After tasting success with AR Murugadoss's Sarkar, Vijay reunited with director Atlee for the third time for Bigil after Theri and Mersal. On October 16, producer Archana Kalpathi took to Twitter to reveal that the censor formalities have been completed and that they would announce the film's release date soon. #BigilTrailer has crossed 2 million likes " Here's the tweet: …
After Chiranjeevi's Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Vijay's Bigil, directed by Atlee is the next big thing in South India. Producer Archana Kalpathi of AGS Entertainments revealed that they felt the need to mount this commercial film on a huge scale because it carries a beautiful message. I find the criticism unfair since he has given a phenomenal film, and the …
Vijay's previous film Sarkar with AR Murugadoss created a huge uproar among the politicians. At the audio launch of Bigil, which was held on September 20, director Atlee revealed that the trailer will release in the first week of October. In a recent interview to Tamil magazine Vikatan, producer Archana Kalpathi has opened up about the delay behind the trailer …