Tamil actor Vijay, who has been around for over two decades, is currently at the pinnacle of his career with an unprecedented fan base and a slew of blockbuster films to his credit. In the last decade, Vijay had 15 releases and out of which as many as nine films grossed over ₹100 crore at the box-office. Atlee directed …
Thalapathy Vijay is one of the leading stars in Kollywood. In February, the Income Tax officials raided his properties in Chennai in connection with the search at Bigil producer's AGS Enterprises and financier Anbu Cheziyan's office. While this brings a huge relief to the actor, the investigation officials stated that he received a whopping Rs 50 crore for Bigil and …
Vijay’s 63rd film Bigil may repeat or even surpass the success of his last two blockbusters, Mersal and Sarkar, when it releases this Diwali. When it comes to the UK, Sri Lanka, and France, Vijay has become the biggest superstar with supreme box office numbers.” Even Vijay’s top contemporaries from the neighbouring Telugu film industry, like Mahesh Babu, besides their …