Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil continues to set the cash registers ringing at the box office worldwide as it nears the second week of theatrical run on Thursday. Vijay is now the first Tamil actor to score three back to back century grossers in TN and is also the first Tamil actor to achieve three consecutive double century grossers worldwide. While Bigil …
Vijay’s upcoming film Bigil, directed by Atlee, is gearing up to release on Diwali 2019. Now, Vijay Sethupathi is all set to clash with the Tamil star at the box office with his film called Sanga Tamizhan, in which he will be seen playing dual roles. Vijaya Productions, the makers of Sanga Tamizhan, took to Twitter to reveal the official …
Atlee Kumar's directorial Bigil starring the famous South actor Vijay also known as Thalapathy is one of the most anticpated movies of the year. Thalapathy has sung a song for Bigil, which has music composed by Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman. Archana Kalpathi, the creative producer of Bigil announced the latest update on Twitter and said, “A big thank you …