Actor Vijay, fondly called as Thalapathy, turns a year older today and social media is filled with wishes from his fans and celebrities. Happy birthday @actorvijay Na Have a fantastic year ahead God bless #HappyBirthdayThalapathy — Arya June 22, 2020 Director Atlee, who has collaborated with Vijay for three films - Theri, Mersal and Bigil, took to social media to …
Atlee Kumar's directorial Bigil starring the famous South actor Vijay also known as Thalapathy is one of the most anticpated movies of the year. Thalapathy has sung a song for Bigil, which has music composed by Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman. Archana Kalpathi, the creative producer of Bigil announced the latest update on Twitter and said, “A big thank you …