Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff made a splash in Kollywood by playing a memorable role in Thiagarajan Kumararaja's critically acclaimed film Aaranya Kaandam. In a recent interview to Behindwoods, Jackie Shroff hailed Vijay as one of the 'finest actors in the industry.' During the interview, he also revealed why he couldn't attend the Bigil audio launch, which took place on September …
In the last few years, Thalapathy Vijay has started shooting his new films only after the release of his ongoing project. But for a change, the Thalapathy will be moving on to his next film, fondly called by fans as Thalapathy 64, with Lokesh Kanagaraj of Maanagaram fame — even before the release of his massively scaled sports drama Bigil, …
Actor Vijay Sethupathi, recently seen in Rajinikanth’s Petta, has been signed to play a pivotal role in Vijay’s upcoming yet-untitled Tamil film, its makers announced. Via a special poster, the makers announced that they are happy to welcome Vijay Sethupathi on board. The film will see Vijay play the role of a coach of women’s football team. From the poster, …
The third single from Bigil album has been released today. Composed by AR Rahman, Unakaga is a melody sung by Sreekanth Hariharan and Madhura Dhara Tallur, and Vivek has written the lyrics of the song. Looks like all the three songs of Bigil have become a success and set huge expectations for the film. Here's the song: Directed by Atlee, …