Director Atlee's fourth outing Bigil, starring Vijay and Nayanthara, hit the theatres worldwide on October 25 along with Karthi's Kaithi. Days before the release, Kadambur Raju, Minister for Information and Publicity, said that the ruling government has not given any permission for the theatre owners to schedule any early morning shows in and around Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu: Large number …
The trailer of Bigil, starring Vijay, has just hit the web. Directed by Atlee, the film is a sports drama, which revolves around the women's football team that has been coached by Vijay's character.Nayanthara plays a crucial role in the film. Vijay is seen in two avatars in the film, one as a young man sporting a jersey with the …
Vijay's previous film Sarkar with AR Murugadoss created a huge uproar among the politicians. At the audio launch of Bigil, which was held on September 20, director Atlee revealed that the trailer will release in the first week of October. In a recent interview to Tamil magazine Vikatan, producer Archana Kalpathi has opened up about the delay behind the trailer …