2019 has been a memorable year for Tamil cinema. Six major films have grossed more than Rs 100 crore each in worldwide theatrical takings, with Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil leading the way. The six films in the century grossers club are Superstar Rajinikanth’s Petta, Thala Ajith’s Viswasam, Nerkonda Paarvai, Raghava Lawrence’s Kanchana 3, Bigil and Kaithi. The cumulative total worldwide theatrical …
2019 turns out to be a memorable year for Tamil cinema. Though Nerkonda Paarvai is an official remake of Pink, featuring a huge star like Ajith changed the perception of many filmmakers and leading stars in Tamil cinema. Though Nerkonda Paarvai was a hit, it did not become Ajith’s career highest-grossing film but Dhanush’s rural revenge drama Asuran surprised everyone …
2019 is one of the very few years that gave us strong women characters in Tamil cinema. Nerkonda Paarvai, which is a remake of Hindi blockbuster Pink, addressed women's safety, consent, double standards in society, sexism and patriarchy. Vijay's character Michael heads a women's football team and tries to address several pressing issues such as body shaming, patriarchy and harassment, …