: Shah Rukh Khan has not announced a new film since his "Zero" debacle last December. #WeWantConfirmationSRKandAtlee has started trending on Twitter.The 33-year-old Atlee Kumar is among Tamil mainstream cinema's most in-demand directors, having made blockbusters such as "Theri" and "Mersal". Shah Rukh Khan's film with Atlee won't be a remake of any south Indian hit but an original script, …
Shah Rukh Khan has not announced a new film since his "Zero" debacle last December. The 33-year-old Atlee Kumar is among Tamil mainstream cinema's most in-demand directors, having made blockbusters such as "Theri" and "Mersal". Shah Rukh Khan's film with Atlee won't be a remake of any south Indian hit but an original script, a source told "koimoi.com". Since Atlee's …