The release of actor Joseph Vijay’s Leo, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by S.S. Lalit Kumar and Seven Screen Studio, on October 19 following a case in the Madras High Court has exposed the ingenious workaround created by exhibitors and distributors to overcome the Tamil Nadu government’s leash on the business of the film industry. Seven Screen Studio approached …
Director Atlee's fourth outing Bigil, starring Vijay and Nayanthara, hit the theatres worldwide on October 25 along with Karthi's Kaithi. Days before the release, Kadambur Raju, Minister for Information and Publicity, said that the ruling government has not given any permission for the theatre owners to schedule any early morning shows in and around Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu: Large number …
Bharat, trade analysts state, has shown a record 65 percent occupancy in the early morning shows on its opening day Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s highly-anticipated film, Bharat, has released and the fan-frenzy is palpable on the Internet. — Sumit Kadel June 5, 2019 Anil Kapoor has said Bharat is a “journey worth witnessing” Singer Palak Muchhal described Bharat as …