Asuran, which became Dhanush ’s highest grossing title in Tamil Nadu with a cumulative total of Rs 38.5 crore last week, has topped the box office in the state for the third consecutive weekend. The cumulative running total of Asuran in Tamil Nadu is estimated to be Rs 45 crore, including the third weekend gross of Rs 4.31 crore. Namma …
A boom in multiplexes and conversion of single screens into double screens has increased the box-office share in Kerala. For the big Gandhi Jayanthi/Pooja weekend, four Malayalam films – Jallikattu, Aadyarathri, Vikruthi and Pranaya Meenukalude Kadal released along with four OLFs - War, Joker, Asuran and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. Among the festival releases, the top five at Kochi multiplexes, …
Vijay's ardent fans are kicked about his 45th birthday, which falls on June 22. They have already started the celebrations by trending various hashtags related to Vijay's birthday on Twitter. On June 21, at 6 PM, the production house, AGS Entertainment took to social media to announce the film's title and first-look poster. Taking to Twitter, Archana Kalpathi of AGS …