Thalapathy Vijay's much-anticipated film, Master, was supposed to hit the screens on April. The makers of Vijay's blockbuster film, Bigil, which released in 2019, have decided to re-release it in Germany and France as a part of the star's birthday celebrations. The film also features Nayanthara, Vivek, Kathir, Jackie Shroff, Daniel Balaji, Anandaraj, Rajkumar, Devadarshini, Yogi Babu, Soundararaja, Indhuja and …
Vijay was questioned by IT officials in Tamil Nadu’s Neyveli, Cuddalore district on Wednesday, where he was shooting his next feature Master. Tamil actor Vijay has come under the Income Tax department’s scanner regarding alleged tax evasion by AGS Cinemas, the production house behind his recent blockbuster Bigil. He was questioned by IT officials in Tamil Nadu’s Neyveli, Cuddalore district …
Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming film Bigil is hardly a week away from release and the post-production work is going on in full swing. Telugu short-filmmaker Nandi Chinni Reddy has accused director Atlee of plagiarising the soul of his film, Slum Soccer. Chinni Reddy has approached Telangana Cinema Writers' Association asking them to file a case against the makers of Bigil for …
When Archana Kalpathi accompanied her father and uncle to meet actor Vijay, she had no idea how she would be associated with the project. But Bigil was going to be different as it is the biggest film for her father’s production house AGS Entertainment. ‘Fan’ versus ‘producer’ Archana Kalpathi has no qualms in admitting that she is an ardent Vijay …
Vijay's ardent fans are kicked about his 45th birthday, which falls on June 22. They have already started the celebrations by trending various hashtags related to Vijay's birthday on Twitter. On June 21, at 6 PM, the production house, AGS Entertainment took to social media to announce the film's title and first-look poster. Taking to Twitter, Archana Kalpathi of AGS …