Actor Soori, who is playing a supporting role in Vijay Sethupathi's Sanga Tamizhan, has revealed the release date of the film ahead of the official announcement. Earlier, the makers hinted that Sanga Tamizhan is releasing for Diwali, and it was expected to clash with Vijay's Bigil. For reasons unknown, Vijaya Productions have preponed Sanga Tamizhan's release. Other than Sanga Tamizhan, …
Vijay’s upcoming film Bigil, directed by Atlee, is gearing up to release on Diwali 2019. Now, Vijay Sethupathi is all set to clash with the Tamil star at the box office with his film called Sanga Tamizhan, in which he will be seen playing dual roles. Vijaya Productions, the makers of Sanga Tamizhan, took to Twitter to reveal the official …
Vijay Sethupathi, the busiest actor in Tamil cinema has one more release this year after Petta and Super Deluxe. Sindhubaadh’s director Arun Kumar had previously worked with Sethupathi in Pannaiyarum Padminiyum and Sethupathi. Now, Sethupathi’s daughter also plays a cameo in his commercial action entertainer Sanga Tamizhan. “I would not agree if someone called me as a perfect actor but …