Thalapathy Vijay is basking in the success of his recently-released film, Bigil, directed by Atlee. According to multiple reports, the state police control room received a call from a miscreant saying that there is a bomb at actor Vijay's residence in Saligramam and that it might blow in some time. Following the bomb threat call, security forces were rushed to …
"When will Shah Rukh Khan announce his next film?" Soon, hopefully, we will do something about it.#AskAtlee atlee October 24, 2019 And going by what Atlee said, there is a ray of hope that we might actually see Shah Rukh Khan in his film. Well, not only Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee's fans are waiting for this collaboration, Telugu …
After Chiranjeevi's Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Vijay's Bigil, directed by Atlee is the next big thing in South India. Producer Archana Kalpathi of AGS Entertainments revealed that they felt the need to mount this commercial film on a huge scale because it carries a beautiful message. I find the criticism unfair since he has given a phenomenal film, and the …
He might not be playing the Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralidharan in a film but that hasn’t stopped Vijay Sethupathi from experimenting with his roles. If reports are to be believed then Sethupathi is all set to play the villain in Tamil superstar Vijay’s next film titled Thalapathy 64. Kiara Advani, who is fresh out of Kabir Singh’s success, is …