2019 turns out to be a memorable year for Tamil cinema. Though Nerkonda Paarvai is an official remake of Pink, featuring a huge star like Ajith changed the perception of many filmmakers and leading stars in Tamil cinema. Though Nerkonda Paarvai was a hit, it did not become Ajith’s career highest-grossing film but Dhanush’s rural revenge drama Asuran surprised everyone …
It is going to be a cracker of a Diwali in Kollywood, as one of the biggest superstar’s in Tamil Cinema, Vijay, will have his film Bigil pitched against Karthi-starrer Kaithi. The late Film News Anandan, in his writings on Tamil cinema, had once mentioned how important the Diwali tradition is in Tamil Nadu – “An early morning oil bath, …
At 36 days, Kaithi is the shortest that actor Karthi has ever worked on in a film. “My first film took two years to finish, and my next film took three years. It is also Karthi’s first film without songs in its soundtrack — an outlier concept when it comes to Tamil films. I feel Lokesh will escape that.” It …