After scores of decomposed and half burnt bodies were found floating in the Ganga river, former Bihar Chief Minister and Rashtriya Janata Dal president Lalu Prasad has targeted the government over the issue. Lalu Prasad alleged that the deceased did not get treatment when they were alive and are not even getting shrouds after their death. Earlier, RJD leader and …
From launching scathing attacks against the opposition parties and Mahagathbandhan, to hailing the NDA government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi left no stones upturned in his elections rallies in Bagah, Samastipur, Chhapra and Motihari on Sunday to woo the people of Bihar ahead of the second phase of voting in State Assembly election on November 3.While addressing an election rally in …
Ahead of the crucial assembly elections scheduled for October-November, expelled Janata Dal vice president Prashant Kishor on Tuesday launched the “Bihar ki Baat” campaign to bring together one million people on board over the next 100 days. Conceding it was JD chief Nitish Kumar’s prerogative to remove him from the party post, the political strategist accused the Bihar chief minister …