A day after Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik vacated the Bijepur Assembly seat and retained Hinjili, opposition BJP on Monday accused him of having betrayed the people of the western region. "By resigning from Bijepur Assembly constituency, Naveen Patnaik has simply betrayed the people of western Odisha," BJP national secretary and newly-elected Lok Sabha member from Bargarh, Suresh Pujari, said. …
A day after Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik vacated the Bijepur Assembly seat and retained Hinjili, opposition BJP Monday accused him of having betrayed the people of the western region. Bhubaneswar: A day after Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik vacated the Bijepur Assembly seat and retained Hinjili, opposition BJP Monday accused him of having betrayed the people of the western …
Odisha Chief Minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik Sunday resigned from the Bijepur Assembly constituency and retained the Hinjli seat Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik Sunday resigned from the Bijepur Assembly constituency and retained the Hinjli seat. The BJD supremo had contested the recent Assembly elections, held along with the Lok Sabha polls, from Hinjili in …
The BJP has released names of four more Lok Sabha election candidates and announced its nominee for Odisha’s Bijepur assembly constituency, the second seat from where Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik is contesting the state polls. New Delhi: The BJP on Monday released names of four more Lok Sabha election candidates and announced its nominee for Odisha’s Bijepur assembly constituency, the …
Chief Minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik will contest the Odisha assembly polls from two seats, Bijepur and his home turf Hinjili. Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik will contest the Odisha assembly polls from two seats, Bijepur and his home turf Hinjili. Simultaneous polling will be held in Odisha for the 21 Lok Sabha seats and the …