Three suffered minor injuries after a major portion of a godown collapsed on Friday morning, at Bhiwandi’s Shriram compound, in Dapoda village, nearly 33 kilometres from Mumbai. Three of them suffered minor injuries in the incident,” said Rajesh Pawar, chief fire officer, BNCMC. Bhiwandi tehsildar Aadik Patil visited the spot after the incident and said the collapse may be due …
Three persons suffered minor injuries after portions of a godown collapsed at Bhiwandi’s Harihar compound Dapoda village nearly 33 kms away from Mumbai, early on Friday morning. In the Jilani building collapse in Bhiwandi in September, 38 people died and 25 were injured. Three of them suffered minor injuries,” said BNCMC chief fire officer Rajesh Pawar. In a building collapse …
In the wake of collapse of Jilani building in Bhiwandi on Monday, the Bhiwandi Nizampur City Municipal Corporation evacuated 40 families living in three neighbouring buildings overnight, as a precautionary measure. Pankaj Ashiya, BNCMC commissioner, said, “These three buildings are in extremely dangerous condition. We have nowhere to go, I am an autorickshaw driver and my earning is badly hit …
A day after a 21-year-old man drowned in the Kamvari river, officials from the Bhiwandi Nizampur City Municipal Corporation fire team fished out his body on Wednesday. Ishwar Adep, disaster management officer, BNCMC, said, “We have sent the body to Indira Gandhi memorial hospital for post mortem. On Tuesday, after the BNCMC fire brigade received a call from the Taluka …