A train carrying six tankers of medical oxygen for supply in Madhya Pradesh left from Bokaro in Jharkhand on Tuesday morning, a railway official said. Special arrangements have been made at Jabalpur and Mandideep to unload the tankers, the railway official said. The train will reach Bhopal after its journey via Kotshila, Jharsuguda, Bilaspur, New Katni and Jabalpur, the railway …
An Oxygen Express train carrying around 30,000 litres of liquid medical oxygen arrived here on Saturday morning as Uttar Pradesh is battling a sudden surge in coronavirus cases, an official said. The special train carrying two truckloads of medical oxygen arrived in the state capital at 6.30 am from Bokaro, Jharkhand. “Two trucks of medical oxygen arrived in Lucknow at …
An Oxygen Express train carrying around 30,000 liters of liquid medical oxygen arrived in Lucknow on Saturday morning as Uttar Pradesh is battling a sudden surge in coronavirus cases, an official said. The special train carrying two truckloads of medical oxygen arrived in the state capital at 6.30 am from Bokaro, Jharkhand. "Two trucks of medical oxygen arrived in Lucknow …