Gujarat police have arrested two for trying to sabotage a passenger train by placing an iron slab on the tracks in Botad district. "The Okha-Bhavnagar passenger train passing through Ranpur police station limits in Botad district hit a four feet-long piece of old rail placed on the track next to cement sleepers around 3 am," Superintendent of Police, Botad, Kishor …
On Wednesday, the Gujarat Police revealed that around 30 people had died and over 60 people are admitted to hospitals after the villagers of Batod district consumed poisonous chemicals under the pretext of alcohol. However, police are saying that it is wrong to call it a hooch tragedy as the villagers consumed poisonous substances that was sold as alcohol. Gujarat …
Over 40 people lost their lives and several other are hospitalised in Botad district of Gujarat after consuming spurious liquor. In a humanitarian gesture, the Botad Police announced that they would adopt four children of a family whose father died due to the poisonous liquor consumption. The police spoke to the people of the village and adopted all the four …