The Bombay High Court recently refused to quash two cross First Information Reports lodged by Hindu and Muslim families against each other respectively after the two families allegedly had a scuffle. The bench was seized with two writ petitions - one filed by the Muslim family and the other by the Hindu family - both seeking to quash the FIRs …
The Haryana government has appointed financial commissioner, revenue, TVSN Prasad to conduct a fact-finding inquiry into a series of complaints made by 1991-batch IAS officer Ashok Khemka and his IAS colleague, Sanjeev Verma of 2004 batch against each other. It all started when Verma as the then managing director of Haryana State Warehousing Corporation submitted a complaint to the police …
The Gujarat High Court recently delved into the 'Test of Sameness' and the 'Test of Consequence' that are relevant while determining the legality of a 'second FIR'.Second FIR or successive FIR in respect of the same incident or crime is not permissible in law. The Gujarat High Court recently delved into the 'Test of Sameness' and the 'Test of Consequence' …