Police in Seraikela-Kharswan district arrested four alleged cattle smugglers and rescued 46 bovine animals in an operation conducted late Thursday night. The operation was carried out at the Kundusal roundabout near Bandi village, where officers spotted a group of people moving cattle from Kuchai in Seraikela-Kharswan district towards the West Bengal border. Those arrested turned out to be Tony Bodra …
Highlighting the grave repercussions of bovine smuggling on public order, the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh dismissed a habeas corpus petition filed against a preventive detention order issued under the J&K Public Safety Act, 1978. Justice Moksha Khajuria Kazmi, while delivering the judgment, observed that illegal smuggling of bovine animals not only posed a law and order …
Uttarakhand government is planning to give a fixed honorarium to State residents who will adopt the destitute bovine animals. A meeting to speed-up the ambitious bovine adoption scheme of the Bharatiya Janata Party -lead State government was held in Dehradun on Friday in which chief secretary Radha Raturi said that the administration and general public will have to work together …