AGARTALA: More than 600 voters of a remote tribal village in Dhalai district, part of Tripura East Lok Sabha constituency, abstained from voting on Friday due to the unrepaired condition of a 7-km village road, an election official said. "As per schedule, the polling team reached Sadai Mohan Para polling station under Raima Valley Assembly constituency in Tripura East Lok …
Residents of Kannapar Thidal, a shelter for the homeless, with over 180 families in Chennai Central constituency have threatened to boycott the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. “Now we have grown to over three generations within the community, all of us living under the same roof in a 4x4 ft room,” said Amudhavalli. At this rate, life on the streets was …
The overall voter turnout in phase three of the election was 62.91 percent till 6 pm, while among states, West Bengal recorded the highest voter turnout. The overall voter turnout in phase three was at 64.66 percent till now, while among states, West Bengal with 79.36 percent recorded the highest voter turnout. In Gujarat’s Davdahad village, part of Dahod Lok …