Emily Calandrelli made history on November 22 as the 100th woman to journey to space, joining six other individuals on a flight organized by Jeff Bezos' aerospace company, Blue Origin. Calandrelli in a video posted to social media, said, as reported by The Guardian, “We got to weightlessness, I immediately turned upside down and looked at the planet and then …
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin was forced to delete a clip of astronaut Emily Calandrelli’s candid reaction to being in space after the post was overwhelmed with misogynistic comments by internet trolls. Blue Origin removes Emily Calandrelli’s reaction to space after astronaut receives misogynistic comments The short video of Calandrelli aboard one of the company’s ships showed her floating upside down …
Jeff Bezos' spaceflight company Blue Origin has been forced to take down a video of one of their female astronauts after the comments were filled with sexual and misogynistic statements. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO Dulling her sparkle: Emily Calandrelli's life-changing experience of seeing Earth from space was tainted after online trolls sexualized her reaction to seeing Earth for the first …
CNN — Gazing out the window of a rocket at Earth’s glistening blue perimeter, Emily Calandrelli’s mind was likely far from away from the trolls that inhabit the internet on this planet. In a video released by Jeff Bezos’ aerospace company Blue Origin, a wonderstruck Calandrelli, who was one of six space tourists to join the launch, can be seen …