Rupali Ganguly, celebrated for her role in the hit TV series Anupamaa, continues to engage her fans through social media. In a recent Instagram post, she shared a charming video featuring her on-screen daughter, Choti Anu, played by Asmi Deo. Take a look at the video here: Accompanying the clip, Rupali Ganguly wrote in the caption, “My little Bebli is …
Dhing Express Hima Das loves the camaraderie between the experienced and up-and-coming women sprinters on the national scene. Having shifted her focus to shorter races, Hima, a former World under-20 champion in 400m and a three-time medallist in the 2018 Asian Games, feels that good bonding among the sprinters will help the 4x100m relay team shine at the world stage …
For a successful sporting franchise, being forced into a situation where its carefully assembled team could be dismantled is a nightmarish situation to deal with. But our philosophy is going to be the same and we believe in our core components and that has made us what we are as a franchise.” Despite the vagaries of the auctions, Balaji was …
Michael Ferkol, who once served as a supply specialist with engineer battalions in the U.S. Army, had been in Rome studying archaeology when he heard the Ukrainian president's appeal for foreign fighters. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES ON UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR UKRAINE'S INTERNATIONAL LEGION Ukraine has established an "international" legion for people from abroad and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has publicly urged foreigners to …