Vijayawada: Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu has said the state government would soon release a white paper on the status of the state capital. On Thursday, the Chief Minister visited different structures left unattended for five years by the previous government and later addressed the media near the CRDA camp office in Rayapudi. Amaravati will remain as the people's capital …
Air strikes on sites in the vicinity of the capital Damascus follow missile attacks on Friday and Monday, Syria says. Israeli air strikes have hit targets in the vicinity of the Syrian capital Damascus, marking the third such attack in a week, Syrian state media reported. The Syrian military said Israeli missiles were fired in the early hours of Thursday …
Sisyphe Bookstore, Beijing 西西弗书店(西直门凯德MALL店) Address: F3 Capital Mall, 1 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng district, Beijing Opening hours: 10 am-10 pm Tel: 58301548, 58301498 The entrance of the Sisyphe Bookstore in Beijing The Sisyphe Bookstore was named after the Greek mythical figure Sisyphus. Readers select and read books in the Sisyphe Bookstore in Beijing Why worth visiting In the bookstore, people can …
8月30日,《首都功能核心区控制性详细规划(街区层面)(2018年—2035年)》发布,目标是建设政务环境优良、文化魅力彰显和人居环境一流的首都功能核心区。 A detailed plan for Beijing's core area for the 2018-2035 period was unveiled on August 30. 8月24日拍摄的北京。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 首都功能核心区总面积约92.5平方公里,包括东城区和西城区两个行政区,是全国政治中心、文化中心和国际交往中心的核心承载区,是历史文化名城保护的重点地区,是展示国家首都形象的重要窗口地区。 《首都功能核心区控制性详细规划(街区层面)(2018年—2035年)》主要内容涵盖落实城市战略定位,打造优良的中央政务环境,建设弘扬中华文明的典范地区,建设人居环境一流的首善之区,保障规划有序有效实施五个方面。 在城市空间结构上,规划以“两轴(长安街和中轴线)、一城(北京老城)、一环(沿二环路的文化景观环线)”作为首都功能核心区骨架,提出加强空间秩序管控与特色风貌塑造,延续古都历史格局,推动老城内外和谐发展,融汇历史人文景观和现代城市风貌,塑造平缓开阔、壮美有序、古今交融、庄重大气的城市形象。 规划进一步明确了首都功能核心区的规模与结构。到2035年,首都功能核心区常住人口规模控制在170万人左右,地上建筑规模控制在1.19亿平方米左右。到2050年,常住人口规模控制在155万人左右,地上建筑规模稳定在1.1亿平方米左右。 【重要讲话】 疏解北京非首都功能是北京城市规划建设的“牛鼻子”。北京的发展要着眼于可持续,发挥科技和人才优势,努力打造发展新高地。 Removing Beijing's non-capital functions was the key to the planning and construction of the city. ——2017年2月24日,习近平在北京城市规划建设和北京冬奥会筹办工作座谈会上发表重要讲话 坚持和强化首都全国政治中心、文化中心、国际交往中心、科技创新中心的核心功能,深入实施人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京战略,努力把北京建设成为国际一流的和谐宜居之都。 Stick to and strengthen Beijing's core functions as the national center for politics, culture, international exchanges and scientific …