As anticipation and public excitement for the grand consecration ceremony of the Ram temple on Monday reached its peak, the Indian Space Research Organisation provided a glimpse of the Ram Mandir as visible from a space satellite. The satellite imagery reveals the semi-constructed Ram temple, with an enlarged view providing detailed insights into the ongoing construction of the temple. The …
The enigmatic planet Mars has been a subject of human fascination since ages. Just like this recent image that captures ‘sun rays’ in the Martian sky for the first time ever. NASA's Curiosity Rover captured this pic of ‘sun rays’ on Mars. As I watched the sunset last month, I captured something spectacular: My team says these are some of …
A woman has captured a stunning photograph of a man and woman during their engagement shoot at Yosemite, California, and has now launched a social media campaign in an attempt to track them down so she can share their image. The image showed a couple standing on a rock formation at the national park as they posed in front of …
NASA's Juno spacecraft has beamed back an image of a long, brown oval known as a "brown barge" -- an elusive atmospheric feature in Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt. Brown barges are cyclonic regions that usually lie within Jupiter's dark North Equatorial Belt, although they are sometimes found in the similarly dark South Equatorial Belt as well. At other times, the …