Oil, coal, and other fossil raw materials and fuels that are imported and processed in the port of Rotterdam ultimately cause CO2 emissions that are over 3.5 times higher than the emissions of the whole of the Netherlands, the research agency CE Delft estimated in a report. The independent research agency investigated the Rotterdam port’s indirect emissions on behalf of …
"A moderation in growth or a limited decline in aviation" will not hurt the Dutch economy, but will benefit the environment, research agency CE Delft concluded in a study commissioned by Natuur en Milieu. The researchers found that there is no scientific basis for five important arguments often used as reasons not to limit growth in the aviation sector, NOS …
With its Dutch airports alone, the Schiphol Group is responsible for 13.6 million tons of CO2 emissions per year, according to a study by environmental research agency CE Delft on behalf of Greenpeace. According to CE Delft's calculations, Schiphol is responsible for almost 7 percent of all CO2 emissions in the Netherlands. But CE Delft believes that Schiphol "has a …