A day after RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's comments supporting reservation, RJD leader and MP Manoj Jha on Thursday said he should tell the government to agree for a caste census. "They call themselves a social organisation, but they are a political organisation and they run the government.Why are you quiet on the caste census," he said referring to the RSS, …
PATNA: The first phase of the caste census began in Bihar on Saturday. This exercise is being carried out after taking approval from political parties," Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar said during his Samadhan yatra on Saturday. Earlier, Mr Kumar had said that the officials conducting the caste-based census were trained by the state government and have been asked to …
Launching a scathing on the Bihar Chief Minister, Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav on Wednesday asked if Nitish Kumar is ally or slave of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. "We have been writing to the Prime Minister from August 4, to talk about caste census but the PM has no time to meet the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Nitish Kumar, …