Erdogan’s independent foreign policy put Turkey on the map – the opposition’s may be far more muted. “At the same time, Turkey’s rapidly expanding influence is rooted in Erdogan’s ability to capitalise on Islamic soft power via his ‘Muslim’ rhetoric, enabling him to advance rapidly both politically and economically into,” he added. “According to the policy platform of the opposition, …
Brutal killing of Basak Cengiz renews demands for Ankara to rejoin the Istanbul Convention on violence against women. “We hear about women being killed every day, sometimes several in one day, because the existing structure, both legally and implementation wise, is not adequate.” The monitor’s most recent evaluation of Turkey, in 2018, enumerated needed reforms, including: better collection of data …
Ramadan is a turbulent month for Muslim-owned businesses in Australia. "I think all of them think that we're rolling in the dollars in Ramadan, well, it's actually the opposite," Mr Cevik told the ABC. Mr Cevik said this year's Ramadan numbers — a 32 per cent drop in business — followed a troubling month with JobKeeper ending in March. Mr …
Online searches can help countries predict tourist visits more accurately and give governments a better read on economies that depend on the industry, an International Monetary Fund analysis showed. Combining Google Trends data with traditional forecast models improved accuracy of predicted tourist arrivals to the Bahamas from the U.S by about 30%, according to a working paper by IMF senior …