Preity Zinta recently shared a behind-the-scenes moment from her film Dil Chahta Hai, offering a nostalgic glimpse into the making of one of Bollywood's most loved movies. “We were shooting the song 'Jaane Kyu Log Pyar Karte Hai' in Sydney,” she wrote, “and like all shoots, we had to hurry & finish within a certain time frame, so everyone was …
Few weeks ago, Sachin Tendulkar shared a photo of him, Yuvraj Singh and Anil Kumble on his Instagram with the caption, "Our Dil Chahta Hai moment in Goa!" Jumping into the conversation, the KKR used a dialogue from the Bollywood movie 'Dil Chahta Hai' saying, "Ya toh dosti gehri hai, ya ye photo 3D hai". Buy and sell used car …
Sachin Tendulkar is one of the most active celebrities on social media and his Instagram account is a goldmine of posts that go viral in no time and also end up putting a smile on your face. The trio recreated the Dil Chahta Hai moment in Goa. For the unversed, Dil Chahta Hai is a film starring Aamir Khan, Saif …
Mumbai: Veteran actresses Waheeda Rehman, Asha Parekh and Helen have been spotted enjoying their holiday in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. ‘Looop Lapeta’ producer Tanuj Garg shared some pictures from Waheeda Rehman, Asha Parekh and Helen’s vacation. While sharing the pictures, Tanuj wrote, “If "Dil Chahta Hai" were to get remade with three grand dames, it would be with these #legends …