Karnataka on Wednesday voted during the assembly elections 2023 with a large number of people coming out and exercising their franchise. The Exit Polls predictions are also out and the Todays Chanakya's Exit Polls predicted a clear majority for Congress with 120 seats, followed by 92 seats for the BJP and 12 seats for JD. Karnataka Assembly elections are considered …
The High Court of Karnataka on Tuesday ordered issue of notice to the State government on a PIL petition questioning the legality of allotting 116.16 acres of land, which is part of the lands acquired for industrial purposes near Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru, to a private university at a concessional price. A division bench comprising acting Chief Justice Alok Aradhe …
Irrfan Khan died on Wednesday leaving his millions of friends and fans in shock and tears. The global actor started his television career with numerous TV shows such as Chanakya, Bharat Ek Khoj, Sara Jahan Hamara, Banegi Apni Baat, Chandrakanta, Shrikant, AnooGoonj, Star Bestsellers, and Sparsh. Irrfan Khan in Chanakya Banegi Apni Baat It was a cult show based on …
Before Yes Bank founder Rana Kapoor could shift his base from India to any foreign country, the Enforcement Directorate took him in its custody and his plan to sell his three Delhi-based properties amounting over Rs 1,000 crore failed. Bindu Kapoor bought a luxurious bunglow at 40, Amrita Shergill Marg -- a prime location in Lutyens' Delhi -- in the …