Director Neeraj Pandey says despite the 21-day lockdown in the country to contain the spread of coronavirus pandemic, the team of his next, Chanakya is working on the Ajay Devgn-starrer while practising social distancing. Ajay is set to play the eponymous role in Chanakya, a historical drama on the master economist and royal advisor to the first Mauryan emperor Chandragupta. …
Not so long ago, director Neeraj Pandey and actor Akshay Kumar were the best of friends and collaborators, partnering on well-acclaimed films such as Special 26 and Baby. Now, the grand historical project Chanakya, about the intellectual advisor to Maurya dynasty king Chandragupta, has gone to Ajay Devgn. After hitting the bullseye with the historical bio-pic Tanhaji, Devgn is eager …
Ajay Devgn will reprise the lead role in the Hindi remake of Kaithi, starring actor Karthi, which was written and directed by Lokesh Kanagara. Ajay Devgn has been nabbed to play the lead in the official Hindi remake of 2019 Tamil blockbuster Kaithi. While it was announced last year the Tamil blockbuster will be remade in Hindi, the makers did …
Bollywood star Ajay Devgn said that he stays away from social media because as an actor one should be known for their work, not for what they post online. Devgn, who is basking in the success of his latest release Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, believes social media has washed away the mystery around stardom. I believe an actor should be …