Indian Olympic Association on Monday announced a breakthrough in resolving the months-long impasse faced by the Handball Association of India, by bringing the two factions to work together. The HAI today wrote to IOA chief PT Usha and informed her about the election of Mr Digvijay Chautala as its President, Mr Jagan Mohan Rao as Secretary General and Mr Tejraj …
Digvijay Chautala has been elected as the president of Handball Association of India and Jagan Mohan Rao its secretary general, the development ending a longstanding impasse over running of the sport following the Indian Olympic Association’s intervention. “Indian Olympic Association today announced a major breakthrough in resolving months-long impasse faced at the Handball Association of India, by bringing the two …
Indian Olympic Association today announced a major breakthrough in resolving months-long impasse faced at the Handball Association of India, by bringing the two factions together to work in cohesion towards the betterment of sport and its athletes. In a letter addressed to PT Usha, the Executive Committee of HAI today conveyed unanimous election Digvijay Chautala as its President, Jagan Mohan …