The number of people working in the Netherlands without a permit is still increasing and they are increasingly coming from further away, the Labor Inspectorate told NOS. “You can actually see that the number of migrant workers is starting to run out,” Marijke Kaptein of the Inspectorate told NOS. Then you get all kinds of models to bring people from …
You may not think it, but there’s a direct relationship between plunging your chopsticks into that white, quart-sized box of cheaply priced Chinese food — and a laborer diligently driving a spike to lay the railroad tracks that became the gateway to the American West. And these labor practices have an impact today on how much we’re willing to pay …
Employment agencies become gateways to the U.S. by playing matchmaker for Chinese-run businesses and cheap labor. Column One Immigrants turn to job agencies for the American Dream Employment agencies become gateways to the U.S. by playing matchmaker for Chinese-run businesses and cheap labor. There's no job where you don't work at least 12 hours.” — Qiang Chen Prosecutions of Chinese …