How does an artist celebrate the golden jubilee of his life in the chosen field of art? By adapting to narrate diverse stories through traditional art, is the response from Cheriyal artist Dhanalakota Vaikuntam Nakash. Whether painting on scrolls, narrating the Puranas and incorporating folk art on khadi cloth or in new mediums like ceramic and wooden plates for home …
“A slice of Cheriyal is in Rashtrapati Nilayam,” says artist Dhanalakota Saikiran as he walks us through the 163-foot kitchen tunnel at Rashatrapati Nilayam in Hyderabad. A covered corridor connecting the kitchen and dining hall, is now resplendent with murals, masks, and animal heads in the Telangana folk art form of Cheriyal. Our art has embellished the walls of Rashtrapati …