iPhone 16 series is launching on September 9, 2024, at the upcoming Apple Event. The new generation iPhones are expected to be powered by the new A18 series chipset with iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max likely coming with the A18 Pro chip. To understand the power of the upcoming A18 Pro chipset, which will likely feature in …
A group of researchers at the IISc have developed a new framework for analogue chipsets that would allow AI and ML-based applications to run much faster and in an efficient manner. Thanks to a new design framework that a group of researchers has developed at the Indian Institute of Science, or IISc, we now have an analogue chipset called ARYABHAT-1, …
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science have developed a design framework to build next-generation analog computing chipsets that could be faster and require less power than the digital chips found in most electronic devices. This type of chipset can be especially helpful for Artificial Intelligence -based applications like object or speech recognition – like Alexa or Siri – or …