Aimed at enhancing communication and outreach at the grassroots level, the Bhartiya Janata Party in Madhya Pradesh has appointed Ramkumar Chaurasia as its WhatsApp head, reported India Today on Sunday. Associated with booth number 223 of the BJP, Chourasiya said that his admiration for Prime Minister Narendra Modi played a pivotal role in his decision to join the party. Chourasiya …
In a first-of-its-kind move, the BJP has appointed Ramkumar Chaurasia as its WhatsApp head in Madhya Pradesh, a move aimed at enhancing communication and outreach at the grassroots level. Ramkumar Chourasiya, a resident of Bhopal and a private sector employee, is tasked with using WhatsApp to engage with the public and spread information about the party's policies and initiatives. Initially, …
Hyderabad police have arrested a film worker for the attack on Tollywood actress Shalu Chaourasiya last Sunday. Kommu Babu is a worker on the movie sets and was residing in Indira Nagar area in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar told reporters. The 21-year-old is a native of Mahabubnagar district of Telangana and was also found to be involved …
Sebi has barred Money Increase, Venture Revenue and two individuals from the capital markets for providing unauthorised investment tips and falsely promising assured returns to investors. Sebi found that Chourasiya through its proprietorship of Money Increase and Venture Revenue was providing trading tips and stock specific recommendations to investors and the general public on payment of services. "Ashish Chourasiya through …