The makers of popular children’s animated show Chhota Bheem has addressed the viral #JusticeForChutki trend on Twitter. “#KillFakeNews #JusticeforChutki On behalf of Green Gold Animation, the makers of Chhota Bheem, we would like to thank all our fans and supporters who have shown lots of love to their favorite characters in Chhota Bheem. We would like everyone to know that …
It’s the one Twitter trend you wouldn’t expect in the midst of a pandemic and a cyclone. Desi Twitter rallied behind Chutki from popular kids’ animated show Chhota Bheem after rumours surfaced online that ‘gold-digger’ Bheem has ditched her for a princess. Fans believe Bheem is all set to get hitched to Rajkumari Indumati, breaking the heart of his long-time …