Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas is set to begin shooting for the second season of her series "Citadel" soon. The action series "Citadel" released last year with Jonas and Richard Madden in the lead roles alongside Stanley Tucci and Ashleigh Cummings. The Indian version of "Citadel" features Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in lead roles and it is titled "Citadel: …
Joe Russo of the filmmaker duo Russo Brothers, recently opened up about their upcoming show Citadel. It’s a big experiment in community and partnership.” Read: Priyanka Chopra Enjoys Champagne on a Private Jet With Her Citadel Co-stars He further told Screen Daily that the flagship show is now being shot in London. Each show features complimentary narratives, set in different …
Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared a picture of her bloody face on social media, only to reveal that she was in makeup for her upcoming Amazon Prime Video show Citadel. Priyanka Chopra posted an alarming selfie on social media. Priyanka Chopra began filming the show earlier this year, immediately after she wrapped production on her film Text for You. We …