The Congress is likely to move the Election Commission of India against the BJP, citing a purported clip in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi is allegedly heard pressurising a BJP rebel candidate to withdraw from the race in the upcoming Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls. Congress spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Abhishek Manu Singhvi, addressing a press conference in Delhi, accused …
The Election Commission of India is likely to announce the schedule for the Gujarat Assembly elections this week, according to the news agency PTI. The poll panel, citing the convention followed in 2017, had not announced the Gujarat poll schedule when it came out with Himachal Pradesh election dates earlier this month. By keeping the counting date for Himachal Pradesh …
The Government of Himachal Pradesh invites applications for the post of President at State Consumer Commission of Himachal Pradesh. of Post: 01 Essential Qualification and Experience • As per Rule 3 of the Consumer Protection Rules, 2020, framed under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, the eligibility criteria for the post of President, State Commission is as follows: • 3 "A …
The Government of Himachal Pradesh invites applications for the post of President at District Commission Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. of Post: 01 Essential Qualification and Experience • As per Rule 4 of the Consumer Protection Rules, 2020, framed under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 the eligfbfllty criteria for the posts of President, District Commission is a' follows'- • 4 "A person …