LexPacto is a community of legal enthusiasts, educators, professionals, and students coming together to share knowledge, develop skills, and explore limitless opportunities in the legal field. About The Competition The Oral Rounds of the LexPacto's 2nd National Moot Court Competition, 2025 will be held from the 8th to 9th February, 2025 via Virtual Mode. Prizes and Rewards Winner: Trophy +Rs …
NALSAR University of Law is organizing the 2nd NALSAR-CCI Antitrust Moot, 2023 presented by Trilegal from April 14th – 16th, 2023. ABOUT THE MOOT The Moot Proposition can be accessed here: https://www.antitrustmoot.nalsar.ac.in/prop Trilegal presents 2nd NALSAR-CCI Antitrust Moot, 2023 is set to happen in two stages: the Memorandum Elimination Round and the Oral Rounds. SCHEDULE EVENT DATE Registrations Open 20th …
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition was organized by the Centre for Alternative Dispute resolution and Dr. P.C. Markanda Chair on ADR, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab from 12th to 14th November 2022. The Competition was held in association with knowledge partners and sponsors including Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, Justice Kuldip Prakash Bhandari, Indian Dispute Resolution Centre; Live Law, Lawctopus, …