The Supreme Court recently set aside a condition imposed by the Delhi High Court which had allowed a victim of domestic violence to lead evidence during trial subject to payment of Rs.20,000 per witness. “In a complaint filed under the Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, it is not open to the Court to impose such onerous conditions …
Queensland police officer Senior Constable Neil Punchard has been sentenced to two months' jail, wholly suspended for 18 months, for leaking the personal details of a domestic violence complainant to her former partner. Key points: Senior Constable Neil Punchard pleaded guilty to all nine counts Punchard had been childhood friends with the man he shared the information with The prosecutor …
A Queensland police officer accused of releasing the personal details of a domestic violence victim to her former partner has lost a legal bid to have the case thrown out. Senior Constable Neil Punchard was stood down from official duty in December 2018 after being charged with nine counts of using a restricted computer to cause detriment. The charges relate …