Kannada actor and producer Daali Dhananjaya recently responded to criticism over his social media activity while promoting his latest multilingual film, Zebra. Dhananjaya, who rose to nationwide fame with his role as Jaali Reddy in Pushpa: The Rise, has been making a name for himself in Telugu and Tamil cinema alongside his Kannada ventures. This was brought to my notice …
Shamita Shetty, who made her big acting debut with Mohabbatein in 2000, recently found herself back in the spotlight with her significant role in the movie The Tenant. Shamita Shetty came at a Godrej Professional event in Delhi “I never really went away to make a comeback,” she quips, adding, “I just took my time in choosing the projects that …
Actor Rajesh Jais credits his hard work which helped him deliver his best in whatever capacity he could as an actor. Rajesh Jais “I tag myself as a very content actor, the one who wants to give his best and move on. Be that one film where I got to play the lead, but the film created no ripples, kab …
As the battle against the Covid-19 crisis rages on, the mood everywhere is quite grim, and people are trying to hold on to whatever positivity they can find around them. Actor Naveen Kasturia feels as everyone is again in the lockdown mode, content creators need to take cognisance of the situation, and should look towards bringing out positive content to …