Pune: Though Nationalist Congress Party leader Chhagan Bhujbal has announced to not contest the Lok Sabha election, the Samta Parishad office-bearers have appealed to him to rethink his decision. Though NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal has announced to not contest the LS election, the Samta Parishad office-bearers have appealed to him to rethink his decision. Samta Parishad, founded by Bhujbal and …
Senior BJP leader K S Eshwarappa, who has raised a banner of revolt over denial of ticket to his son to contest the coming Lok Sabha elections from Haveri, on Monday skipped Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally here, in an embarrassment to the party. Eshwarappa has announced he will contest as an independent candidate from Shimoga in the coming Lok …
BENGALURU: The entry of scion of Mysore Royal family Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar as Bharatiya Janata Party nominee to contest Mysuru-Kodagu parliamentary seat in the ensuing Lok Sabha polls would be beneficial for the party nominees in about 7 seats, observed former Chief Minister B.S, Yediyurappa. The contest of Yaduveer from Mysuru-Kodagu would help BJP in achieving its target of …
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said BJP MP Pratap Simha is scared and that is why he is saying that his son Yathindra will contest against him in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from Mysuru-Kodagu constituency. Neither I nor my son said he will contest from Mysuru for LS polls: Siddaramaiah The chief minister said the decision to give …
India TV reporters have filed stories on the decision of senior BJP leaders Lal Krishna Advani and Dr Murli Manohar Joshi offering not to contest the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. During the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Advani, M M Joshi and former Himachal Pradesh CM Shanta Kumar were requested not to contest. It is a historical fact that stalwarts like …