Actress Ankita Lokhande, who made her Bollywood debut with the film Manikarnika, started her acting career with TV. She rose to fame as Archana in Ekta Kapoor's TV show Pavitra Rishta and her chemistry with late actor Sushant Singh Rajput had always been the talk of the town. Talking to Bollywood Bubble, Ankita Lokhande said, "I was so smart, I …
Actor Ankita Lokhande opened up about encountering predatory men in the film industry. Ankita wanted to avoid a situation where she was asked outright to ‘sleep with the producer’. But I said, ‘If you try and take me in also, I’m not interested in your film,’” she said. Ankita shot to fame as Archana in the popular serial Pavitra Rishta, …