Hyderabad reported an incident-free vote counting day on Tuesday with elaborate security arrangements set in place by police officials. Explaining the security arrangement, Telangana Director General of Police, Ravi Gupta said: “The first internal layer had the Central Armed Police Force, the second one was by the City Armed Reserve staffers and the final layer was provided by the local …
Delegations from the Bharatiya Janata Party and the INDIA bloc approached the Election Commission on Sunday, a day after polling for all 543 Lok Sabha seats concluded, and urged the poll panel to ensure that all guidelines are followed on the counting day to safeguard the electoral process. The ruling party asked EC to ensure that every polling official is …
The RJD early Tuesday sent a letter to the Election Commission seeking immediate removal of Sub-Divisional Officer Sanjeev Kumar Kapar who is deployed as returning officer in Kusheshwar Asthan Assembly constituency, where counting is underway. The RJD alleged that Kapar had threatened counting officials during the 2020 Assembly election to favour candidates of the ruling JD. The RJD alleged that …
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