Shakuntala Talwar was eight when her family fled Sindh during Partition. “The recipe for a perfect pickle is born of the rich culinary heritage that has been passed down and a great sense of discipline that goes into making it,” says Kalpana Jha, who launched JhaJi in 2021. Vendors from refugee camps would go from door to door, carrying large …
BHOPAL/SATNA: A video put out by Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Chouhan of a stopover at a Dalit household in the middle of his campaigning for the bye-elections in Raigaon, over 400km from state capital Bhopal, provoked barbs from his critics on and off social media. They spotted that there was no LPG cylinder around, and the chief minister’s host …
A culinary competition was held in Tai'an on June 7. A total of 521 catering enterprises attended the event where 167 local delicacies and 202 dishes were included into the famous cuisine list in Tai'an. Dishes are made by choosing specialties found on Mount Tai and using different cooking technique to present regional characteristics. Official data shows that the revenue …