Bengaluru and other parts of Karnataka are expected to continue experiencing rainfall over the next two days due to the impact of Cyclone Fengal, the India Meteorological Department said on Monday. The continuous downpour caused significant traffic jams across Bengaluru on Monday, with vehicles stuck in long queues on major roads, including Mysuru Road, Tumakuru Road, and NICE Road. The …
CHENNAI: Chief Minister MK Stalin on Sunday said that the state government will request the union government to send a team to assess the damage caused by Cyclone Fengal in Tamil Nadu, especially in Villupuram, Cuddalore, and Chengalpattu districts. When pointed out that the centre failed to provide sufficient funds earlier, the CM said, “Let us be positive about it …
CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Saturday inspected reviewed the relief works underway and the preparatory arrangements in place to tackle the heavy rainfall being brought by cyclone Fengal in Chennai and nearby districts. At the State Emergency Operations Centre in Ezhilagam, the Chief Minister interacted with the Collectors of Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Ranipet, and Chengalpattu through video conference …