Malayalam superstar Mohanlal made his directorial debut with Barroz 3D - Guardian of Treasurers. Many scenes in Barroz showcase the 3D effect well, reminding us of 90s films. The Tamil dubbing of Barroz with voice by Mohanlal aids in enhancing the mood of the film. Mohanlal's Barroz 3D is an interesting attempt, but, it fails to captivate the audience with …
A new bi-weekly express train will be operated soon between Secunderabad and Goa benefiting the people of two Telugu States who wish to visit Goa. Union Minister of Coal and Mines G. Kishan Reddy representing Secunderabad in Lok Sabha thanked the Prime Minister and Railway Minister on Saturday for introducing the new train. So far, a weekly train with 10 …
Incessant rains caused a landslide between Castle Rock - Caranzol stations on Braganza Ghat section of Hubballi division on July 25 night. 12779 Vasco da Gama-Hazrat Nizamuddin Express, starting from Vasco da Gama on July 26, was diverted to run via alternate route Trains partially cancelled Train No. 18048 Vasco da Gama–Shalimar Amaravati Express will be partially cancelled between Vasco …
INDIAN RAILWAYS UPDATE: Indian Railways has decided to cancel 111 trains, change sourced station in 13 and short terminate 15 on Saturday, August 20 due to maintenance and operational reasons. HERE’S FULL LIST OF CANCELLED TRAINS ON AUGUST 20 01315 WARDHA JN – BALHARSHAH 01316 BALHARSHAH – WARDHA JN 01371 AMRAVATI – WARDHA JN 01372 WARDHA JN – AMRAVATI 01374 …