Mumbai: Anti-corruption activist Anjali Damania has allegedly received threat calls from supporters of NCP minister Dhananjay Munde after demanding an impartial probe into the murder of Beed sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh. Anjali Damania claims threats from Munde supporters following protest over Beed sarpanch murder case Damania alleged that the local police, reportedly influenced by accused Walmik Karad—an associate of NCP minister …
Intro: The new food and civil supplies minister also met the chief minister on Thursday, claims someone in Oppn wants to ‘end his career’ Dhananjay Munde assumes office amid demands for removal MUMBAI: With the opposition mounting pressure for the dismissal of NCP minister Dhananjay Munde, in connection with the murder of a sarpanch in Beed district, Munde took charge …
A PIL has been moved before the Bombay High Court seeking directions qua black marketing, hoarding and profiteering of N95 masks in Maharashtra as well as to ensure sufficient availability of surgical masks and other masks at fair prices.The plea has been filed by Sucheta Dalal, a business journalist and Anjali Damania, an anti-corruption activist and states that even though …